Simple logic or basic Sudoku knowledge cannot be used to solve this Sudoku type. Sudoku Evil is a challenging level that can only be solved by skilled Sudoku players. However, the only distinction is that it is the most difficult. Similar to ordinary Sudoku, Sudoku Evil is played on a 9×9 grid. As soon as you get them, you can keep revealing the game and adding more numbers. Putting some of the first numbers on the grid in this way is a brilliant way to start the game. Subtracting the cage quantities will make it simple to ascertain what is in that particular vacant cell. The criteria require a total of 45 numbers in each column, row, and 3×3 square. Using the “45 rule” is one of the finest approaches to solve the Killer Sudoku. If you play Killer Sudoku frequently and become an expert, you can play all of the levels of difficulty. So both Sudoku pros and beginners might consider Killer Sudoku. This makes it easy to select a degree of difficulty that you can handle without having to use your thinking skill too much because of this. Sudoku puzzle game generally has easy, medium, hard, and expert difficulty levels to choose from. Naturally, Killer Sudoku is more difficult to complete than regular Sudoku. Killer Sudoku has various names, including sumoku, Sumdoku, and addoku are a few additional names for Killer Sudoku puzzles.

However, if you’re looking for a puzzle game that can tease your mind and offer you maximum fun, this game is an ideal option. It is perfect for Sudoku experts because it is also pretty difficult. Killer Sudoku is one of the most well-known Sudoku variations. Related Post: What is a Cross Number Puzzle? 1.

We have listed the top Sudoku variants, including Sudoku Evil, Killer Sudoku, etc., in this article. Sudoku puzzles come in various variants, each with somewhat different rules. If you’re tired of playing standard Sudoku, we can satisfy your need for a fresh challenge with our selection of the best Sudoku Variants.